10 weeks to go!
He is about 3 lbs now and about the size of a large cabbage.

the image above is from baby centers website
the image above is from baby centers website
I have gained about 30 lbs...
I've been fluctuating back and from from 26 to 30lbs
and I hope to not gain too much more!
I've been back on track with my healthy eating thank goodness!
My hubs and I went to the store and bought healthy food, snacks and, treats(skinny cows are yummy!)
I went on 3 or 4 walks this week and I had lots of Braxton Hicks so I spaced my walks out,
but It felt so good to be out and in the fresh HOT air.
I went on 3 or 4 walks this week and I had lots of Braxton Hicks so I spaced my walks out,
but It felt so good to be out and in the fresh HOT air.
It does cost more to buy healthy treats comparted to candy and such but it will be worth it!
I have this image of what I want my body to look like in hopefully a year for next summer,
and I can't do it by eating potato chips and sitting on my bum.
So I've registered for an inexpensive running storller which I REALLY hope I get so that I can go running!
(kind of a no brainer on that one haha)
And my hubby wants to buy me a bike and I want to look for a used baby trialer so I can take him with me in the future.(so maybe i'll have both!)
And Jared and I want to try and start a running routine,
once I'm recovered,
for early mornings either with the babes or if he likes to sleep in then my mom will gladly take care of him if he wakes up while we are gone..
(if she doesn't wake him up on her own)
once I'm recovered,
for early mornings either with the babes or if he likes to sleep in then my mom will gladly take care of him if he wakes up while we are gone..
(if she doesn't wake him up on her own)
I am great at planning things but I sometimes get really A.D.D. and start doing a million things at once and don't finish anything and end up just sleeping instead haha.
So HOPEFULLY all of these goals will happen!
I plan to reward myself with a cute swimsuit IF I lose all the weight.
The other swimsuit that I own I've had since I was 16 and that was like 7 years ago...
So you can see why I'd reward myself with one! haha
I plan to reward myself with a cute swimsuit IF I lose all the weight.
The other swimsuit that I own I've had since I was 16 and that was like 7 years ago...
So you can see why I'd reward myself with one! haha
Yay for 10 weeks left, that's where I am today! Can't wait to see pics of the little guy!