I've been busy crafting and getting the babies room organized.
I can't believe how close I am to the end!
Well closer to the end then the beginning!
11 weeks left!
This sweet little kicking man can come any time after July 28th..
That's what everyone and their dog has heard from me haha.
The reason being is that Jared is gone from the 14th to the 28th for his summer army training.
So yes I could call Red cross and get him home from Colorado...
BUT the baby would most likely already be here.
Unless it was false labor or I have Terrible Terrible labors that last 24 hours..
I could see him possibly getting to the hospital in 5-6 hours from when I call Red Cross.
SO ANY day after that will be fine with me.
I know as soon as the baby comes I'll be extremely happy and will love him to death.
With that being said I can't wait to meet this little man!
Crazy I know, Once he is here I'm sure I'll be overwhelmed and tired, and sore and a million other things, but I want to be a mom more than anything.
Jared and I are counting down the days until we can meet him.
This last week I wasn't feeling like I could do much.
Well for me.
I am normally going for hours before I decide I've done too much..
My limits are reached a lot sooner and to tell you the truth it stinks!
I would love to be outside doing yard work for hours but I get tired after about 15 to 20 minutes and in my parents yard that does not do much unfortunately...
But other than being worn down quickly I'm doing pretty well.
The little guy started moving a lot more...
Or I can feel him a lot more.
And every time he kicks hard it makes me jump
He is about the size of a butternut squash!!
So I'd hope I could feel him by now.

This is what baby center says he looks like right now
Lately I've been reading up more on labor and how it might go.
Each labor is different from one person to the next.
Who knows what is in store for me.
For split seconds I worry about things going wrong then I quickly remind myself they won't!
I have been really active and healthy through this pregnancy and I expect to have many more little ones!
haha just thoughts that do go through your head...
Like my dreams I've been having lately..
A few of my dreams have been on planes.
(I always imagine my plane falling from the sky and dying, yep)
So in one dream this week the pilot came onto the intercom while I was out of my seat and said,
"My wallet is on fire so we need to turn off the engine for a minute"
I was freaking out, I was by myself and I felt the engine go off and the plane started to fall from the sky.
Then a second later the engine came back on and I woke up really having to go to the bathroom.. haha
If that whole dream was me urgently needing to go that's just weird.
Anyways now that I've rambled on about random things this week...
I'll be onto my next post!
Thanks for reading! =)
(A picture will be up soon)
Well closer to the end then the beginning!
11 weeks left!
This sweet little kicking man can come any time after July 28th..
That's what everyone and their dog has heard from me haha.
The reason being is that Jared is gone from the 14th to the 28th for his summer army training.
So yes I could call Red cross and get him home from Colorado...
BUT the baby would most likely already be here.
Unless it was false labor or I have Terrible Terrible labors that last 24 hours..
I could see him possibly getting to the hospital in 5-6 hours from when I call Red Cross.
SO ANY day after that will be fine with me.
I know as soon as the baby comes I'll be extremely happy and will love him to death.
With that being said I can't wait to meet this little man!
Crazy I know, Once he is here I'm sure I'll be overwhelmed and tired, and sore and a million other things, but I want to be a mom more than anything.
Jared and I are counting down the days until we can meet him.
This last week I wasn't feeling like I could do much.
Well for me.
I am normally going for hours before I decide I've done too much..
My limits are reached a lot sooner and to tell you the truth it stinks!
I would love to be outside doing yard work for hours but I get tired after about 15 to 20 minutes and in my parents yard that does not do much unfortunately...
But other than being worn down quickly I'm doing pretty well.
The little guy started moving a lot more...
Or I can feel him a lot more.
And every time he kicks hard it makes me jump
He is about the size of a butternut squash!!
So I'd hope I could feel him by now.
This is what baby center says he looks like right now
Lately I've been reading up more on labor and how it might go.
Each labor is different from one person to the next.
Who knows what is in store for me.
For split seconds I worry about things going wrong then I quickly remind myself they won't!
I have been really active and healthy through this pregnancy and I expect to have many more little ones!
haha just thoughts that do go through your head...
Like my dreams I've been having lately..
A few of my dreams have been on planes.
(I always imagine my plane falling from the sky and dying, yep)
So in one dream this week the pilot came onto the intercom while I was out of my seat and said,
"My wallet is on fire so we need to turn off the engine for a minute"
I was freaking out, I was by myself and I felt the engine go off and the plane started to fall from the sky.
Then a second later the engine came back on and I woke up really having to go to the bathroom.. haha
If that whole dream was me urgently needing to go that's just weird.
Anyways now that I've rambled on about random things this week...
I'll be onto my next post!
Thanks for reading! =)
(A picture will be up soon)
Ha ha sorry, but your dream about the wallet made me laugh :)
ReplyDeleteIt confused me and it made me laugh too.. I don't know why but pregnancy dreams are SO weird!