"You have forgotten who you are and so have forgotten me. Look inside yourself, Simba. You are more than what you have become."
Disney has such profound one liners that get you really thinking.
I think a lot of people, in Utah specifically, forget who they are.
They have forgotten God.
I think a lot of people, in Utah specifically, forget who they are.
They have forgotten God.
If you take a long hard look inside yourself you will remember and you will want to let him in.
I have experienced this in my past I shut out Christ.
I thought I would be better on my own.
It is only when I fully let him back in that I realized how much I missed him.
How my soul had been aching to feel that pure love again.
He is the one who made me whole again after being broken.
He has so much love for me, and he never left, he waited for me to open that door and welcome him in.
He saw how he could help me and all I had to do was give him the okay.
I thought I would be better on my own.
It is only when I fully let him back in that I realized how much I missed him.
How my soul had been aching to feel that pure love again.
He is the one who made me whole again after being broken.
He has so much love for me, and he never left, he waited for me to open that door and welcome him in.
He saw how he could help me and all I had to do was give him the okay.
I remember in Sunday school when I was about 10 that my teacher held up a long string and then tied a knot in it.
The knot was towards the beginning of the string; it represented our life on earth, and she said something along the lines of, "Do you want to mess up the rest of your eternity for your decisions in this life?"
The knot was towards the beginning of the string; it represented our life on earth, and she said something along the lines of, "Do you want to mess up the rest of your eternity for your decisions in this life?"
We are human and we ALL make mistakes.
Everyone has that one sin that they can't easily shake, and when we fail time and time again it is easy to lose hope, but you can't lose hope because through the atonement of Christ ANYTHING is possible.

Everyone has that one sin that they can't easily shake, and when we fail time and time again it is easy to lose hope, but you can't lose hope because through the atonement of Christ ANYTHING is possible.
One of the many reasons we are here in this life is to find peace within ourselves.
We can overcome it all with the help of a Perfect being.
We can overcome it all with the help of a Perfect being.
I am so grateful for Christ; I know that he would have made that sacrifice for just me.
It is mind boggling, but I know he loves me and loves each person on this earth and would do the same for each one of them individually.
He wants us to succeed and to find happiness.
It is easy to sin, it is easy to forget to read your scriptures, or to pray.
I am GUILTY of each.
I sometimes find myself dreading church but I owe it to Christ to give it my best and that is all he asks of any of us.
The Lord is my Shepherd.
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