Most of my pictures from his first month are on Jareds camera & it doesn't connect to this computer, so I'm using some from his 2nd month. oh well!

He is 5 weeks old in this picture!
He LOVES his swing!
For the Utah Byu football game he wasn't picking sides. My husband is a huge byu fan and I'm a huge Utah fan so Asher was on both sides(he was 6 weeks old)
First time going to church.
He is 5 weeks old in this picture!
He LOVES his swing!
For the Utah Byu football game he wasn't picking sides. My husband is a huge byu fan and I'm a huge Utah fan so Asher was on both sides(he was 6 weeks old)
First time going to church.
My little guy is a month old as of Sept. 11th
Time has flown by!
I can't complain because I'd like to think he sleeps pretty well at night...
Most of the time he wakes up to eat every 3 hours but sometimes (If I'm lucky)he sleeps for 4 to 6 hours.
He is in the 7lb range and his 2 month is in October so I fully plan on getting him a little bit more chunky by then! haha
Smiles in his sleep often,
Has smiled at me a few times,
Is trying to talk LOTS,
Loves to play on the ground and just look around at everything,
Lifts his own head (he's been doing this since the hospital),
Can roll from his stomach to his back (I kept placing him on his tummy and he rolled over 3 times!),
Laughs in his sleep,
Cries A LOT,
Loves to be in his sling,
& he loves to go on walks.
Some days I get a little overwhelmed with all the crying and zero time to do anything but take care of him.
Some days are a bit easier and he just sleeps.. (once every week! haha)
He loves to be awake and being apart of everything.
I have cried A LOT this first month..
Mostly at 3am when he doesn't want to go back to bed and wants to cry instead.
I knew it would be hard.
I knew I'd have late late nights.
I knew he'd cry
but I underestimated how I'd feel.
I guess lack of consistent sleep can really mess with emotions...
And a baby screaming at you for an hour straight,
even when you've tried EVERY thing to help them feel better.
It is THE hardest job I've ever done.
For one it's a never ending job...
It goes for 24 hours 7 days a week.
You don't have the luxury of taking a break.
I love this little boy sooo much,
I can't imagine life without him now that I have him.
This is the hardest I've had to work for not much in return..
But it is worth it.
I can't imagine not having Jared to help me.
There were a few nights I was falling apart from being so exhausted I couldn't function..
And Jared grabbed Asher from me and told me to go to bed.
He is working his butt of at school, and he's taken on extra hours in the tutoring center to earn more money for us,
and he is still willing to take the late night shift every now and then.
Soo life is good.. busy and hard but good!
Jared and I love our little Angel and wouldn't have our life any other way!
Soo life is good.. busy and hard but good!
Jared and I love our little Angel and wouldn't have our life any other way!
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