Thursday, December 7, 2017

Charlotte is 2 Months Old!!

So I missed the 1 month marker..
I guess that is the thing with having three kids you forget that kind of stuff all the time! haha
BUT I'm doing it now!
She is such a sweetheart I can feel love exude from her.
She just came to me at the right time.

So mile markers
She smiles a lot!
She coos and does all sorts of gibberish I love it!
She sleeps 5 hours straight at night and sleeps a lot during the day.
She LOVES to eat and if I don't get her food as soon as she's hungry she'll get mad.
Her siblings now both love her!
Grace wasn't sure of her at first but Asher has always loved her.

The pictures are all out of order but finally sharing them all!

AHH isn't she just the cutest!?

Yep, I'm brave for ever going out with three small kids! haha


Char's photo shoot! 

Char isn't in this pic but she's in my arms behind the camera!
Happy Halloween

Am I weird for loving her cry face?

hahaha she just sneezed and went cross eyed!