Hello I am Ginny
I LOVE playing sports.(especially softball!)
I am a bit weird.
I am a mother.
I love food!
I love to dance, even though I am definitely not a dancer!!
I love music.
I am a professional car dancer. Especially in traffic jams.
I am a wife.
I am an athlete.
I love socializing.
I love making new friends.
I am a Beachbody coach.
I have resting B face

I make TONS of mistakes.
I am a fighter.
I am introverted most of the time.
In a groups of my close friends I am extroverted.
I love to sing.
I Love to go on trips it makes me feel free.
Being a mom is hard!
I have walls surrounding me at all times.
I second guess myself more then I should.
I forgive EASILY but I don't trust easily again.
I miss softball!!!
I am a cell phone addict!!
I am obsessed with puppies!

I love horses!!
I love hiking!
I love camping.
I used to be a "free spirit" but now that I am a mom I am oober responsible.. odd haha
I have a hard time being at home all the time.
I crave getting out and exploring or just to drive.. ALONE. I love driving alone.
I love workout clothes.. It's an addiction.
I like to fill up an online shopping carts with everything I want then leaving it.
I like funny memes.

I love concerts. Crowd surfing is fun if you don't get dropped.
I love to compete. I somehow make everything a competition.. Don't ask me how.. haha
I hate failing.
I love being the best at things.
I am a sore loser.
I love my kids!!!!
I love my husband, he is so much like me but we are wired differently(I'm emotional he's logical and sometimes(rarely)it is vice versa) and fight like cats and dogs.(I'd be the dog because they are better... hahaha) But he is my best friend and we have so much fun.
I love to lay out in the sun!
I am completely obsessed with Disney world and Disneyland! I will move to Cali Or Florida just for Disney!! I'd get a season pass no doubt! It is a freaking magical place! haha

I love Harry Potter.. (hence the name Ginny Weasley engraved on the back of my phone)

Anyways you get the Idea, I've found as a mom that I have lost a lot of my identity to be responsible all the time and to always do the right thing. It is exhausting!!! I wrote this not just for my friends but for me to remind me that I am so much more then just a mom. I LOVE being a mom and I wouldn't trade it for the world but it would be nice to get away for a day and not worry about them every second.. but that is motherhood. I care so much about them I ache when I am away from them and I get overwhelmed sometimes when I'm with them. They are apart of me. It's just how it is.
Then I also need to remember I need to be me too, I won't let myself be so responsible all the time, it is okay if my sons hands are dirty, it is okay if my house isn't perfect, Messes won't be the end of the world. If my son spills something I won't yell, he is a toddler it's okay!
I will dance, I will sing, I will be me!
I will be happy with the way things are and not how I think they should be!
It won't always be easy but I'm going to be me for me and I know every one around me will be happier too.
Thanks for sticking through this post and reading it, it is kinda personal and I don't open up my walls that often but I hope to change that!!
Thanks guys!! Love ya!!