So Asher is almost a year old! CRAZY!
I can't believe it, where did the time go?
I can't believe it, where did the time go?
He has the biggest personality! He is his daddy's son so of course he has a big personality.
His teenage years may be trouble... He is already flirting with every girl who will talk to him.. Which is a lot of girls... He cocks his head to the side and smiles at them, then he babbles.
I am so glad Asher is the way he is, I wouldn't change one thing about him.
He may be a stinker sometimes but he is mine and he is perfect!!
So over the past few months Asher has learned to WALK!!
And he is learning a few different words he says mama dada baba, yay, & dowie (aka doggie) he might say a few other words but I haven't noticed them.
He waves bye bye, I absolutely love it!
He can sit quietly in church looking at a book, or he will scream either way works right? haha.
He LOVES Mickey Mouse Clubhouse's hot dog dance.
(I will post a video later of him dancing)
Asher is Very curious he has blocks that I got him for Christmas and I put them away every night but he gets them out the next morning and places them in about ten different places, either on shelves, behind the TV, or under the couch.
Asher doesn't wake up too early, he is up at about seven and I can't complain it's a good time to wake up, unless you stay up all night...
So when I stay up late I wake up at seven with Asher, get his bottle, turn on the TV, & give him a blanket. He is good for a couple hours while I sleep.
He loves to play by himself but he also loves playing with mommy and daddy.
He thinks it is THE coolest thing to hide under a blanket with us.
We did it for about 40 minutes the other day and he laughed and laughed.
Asher started taking little steps here and there a few weeks ago and I would only see it out of the corner of my eye, but I finally caught him walking and it was so cute!!
Now he is walking all over the place and is very cautious about falling.
Asher loves his daddy SO much! Jared left for some training in Wisconsin and Asher was so crabby!
Needless to say I am glad Jared is home for a little while.
Asher has upgraded to toddler foods and is slowly warming up to them.
He loves my food more then anything else though.
I've tasted his food and it's actually pretty good, but he probably just wants my food because it's 'my' food.
He loves little puffs and Veggie Straws.
He absolutely loves bananas and chewing on apples.
He has two teeth and a third coming in, and he loves to bite.
Just like his mommy at that age.
I knew it would come back to bite me.... haha.
What more can I say?
He is more then I could have ever hoped for, he fills up all the holes in my heart and I feel like it could burst with how much love I have.
Here are some pictures!
He can go from full on melt down to...
oh hey mom. in a matter of seconds.
Daddy graduated with his Bachelors of Science.(I think that's what it is called.)
Asher and two of his cousins.
Jared was promoted to Sgt. mhm! haha
Asher's first cupcake!
Asher is the sweetest, busiest, funniest, cutest, best bud a mom and dad could ever ask for!
I will try and be more consistent with my posts!
Thanks for reading all.
Have a good one!