24 WEEKS!!!
As you can tell in some of my pictures I've gained a little weight...
Let's say 24 lbs! haha
how fun..
People keep telling me how much they gained with their first and I'm like if I gain that much I'll weigh as much as Jared..(my husband)
I've mostly gained in just two places.. haha
but I've started gaining a tiny bit in my face which I am not happy about.
Butttt it's because I've been an a sugar kick the last week and a half...
Butttt it's because I've been an a sugar kick the last week and a half...
I have been beyond depressed with work,
I have to stand in the same place for almost 7hrs straight(I get 1 or 2 breaks) a few times a week and I sleep the whole day before I work and the whole day after.
I have to stand in the same place for almost 7hrs straight(I get 1 or 2 breaks) a few times a week and I sleep the whole day before I work and the whole day after.
Those 24lbs are really making it hard to stand!
So with some prayer and discussion with my husband we felt like it was time.
1. Nothing else was getting done at home(my blog for one has been suffering)
2. I have been depressed(I'd cry a lot before I worked)
3. I have a child who likes to kick my bladder/bounce on it & I have limited availability to bathrooms at work and I almost cried from the pain of holding it for almost 2 hours.(one of the days my lovely son kept hitting or kicking it and it hurt soooo much!)
(I ask to go to the bathroom but some managers act like it's a huge burden, well it's a huge burden to hold it, which I have done many times at work)
4. I could go on but I think I've completed my rant.
I love working there, the coworkers are great, I love talking to 99% of customers, overall it seems to be a happy atmosphere so it's hard to leave but easy if that makes sense.
In other news the little one has been dancing around kicking and squirming I love it!
Some days I don't feel him as much but he makes up for it on other days.
I had to take the Glucose test this week...
Not gonna lie.
Not gonna lie.
Not my favorite thing in the world.
I woke up at 8:44 when I should have woken up at 8 and drank it within 5 minutes.
but instead I wanted to make it difficult I had an appt. at 9:20 so I downed it in 1 minute
(tasted like orange Gatorade but add some sugar yuck)
(tasted like orange Gatorade but add some sugar yuck)
This would have been okay Except I couldn't eat anything.
I was starving and they only thing in my system was sugar.
It was awful!
I was preparing for an explosion.
Thankfully I was able to keep it under control.
And you better believe I enjoyed that banana after I got out of my appt.
Well I have realized I may never be ready ready for this baby but I am most definitely excited to be his mom.
I think of all the fun things we will do,
and of course I think of all the tantrums and times he'll scream at me.
But I can't wait to have him here in our little apartment,
I can't wait for Jared to spend most of his free time playing with him and teaching him new things.
It will be an adventure.
We can't wait for it to begin!
At the tulip festival with my hubs..