Saturday, April 27, 2013

24 Weeks

24 WEEKS!!!

As you can tell in some of my pictures I've gained a little weight...
Let's say 24 lbs! haha
how fun..
People keep telling me how much they gained with their first and I'm like if I gain that much I'll weigh as much as Jared..(my husband)
I've mostly gained in just two places.. haha
but I've started gaining a tiny bit in my face which I am not happy about.
Butttt it's because I've been an a sugar kick the last week and a half...
I have been beyond depressed with work,
I have to stand in the same place for almost 7hrs straight(I get 1 or 2 breaks) a few times a week and I sleep the whole day before I work and the whole day after.
Those 24lbs are really making it hard to stand!
So with some prayer and discussion with my husband we felt like it was time.
1. Nothing else was getting done at home(my blog for one has been suffering)
2. I have been depressed(I'd cry a lot before I worked)
3. I have a child who likes to kick my bladder/bounce on it & I have limited availability to bathrooms at work and I almost cried from the pain of holding it for almost 2 hours.(one of the days my lovely son kept hitting or kicking it and it hurt soooo much!)
(I ask to go to the bathroom but some managers act like it's a huge burden, well it's a huge burden to hold it, which I have done many times at work)
4. I could go on but I think I've completed my rant.
I love working there, the coworkers are great, I love talking to 99% of customers, overall it seems to be a happy atmosphere so it's hard to leave but easy if that makes sense.

In other news the little one has been dancing around kicking and squirming I love it!
Some days I don't feel him as much but he makes up for it on other days.

I had to take the Glucose test this week...
Not gonna lie.
Not my favorite thing in the world.
I woke up at 8:44 when I should have woken up at 8 and drank it within 5 minutes.
but instead I wanted to make it difficult I had an appt. at 9:20 so I downed it in 1 minute
(tasted like orange Gatorade but add some sugar yuck)
This would have been okay Except I couldn't eat anything.
I was starving and they only thing in my system was sugar.
It was awful!
I was preparing for an explosion.
Thankfully I was able to keep it under control.
And you better believe I enjoyed that banana after I got out of my appt.

Well I have realized I may never be ready ready for this baby but I am most definitely excited to be his mom.
I think of all the fun things we will do,
and of course I think of all the tantrums and times he'll scream at me.
But I can't wait to have him here in our little apartment,
I can't wait for Jared to spend most of his free time playing with him and teaching him new things.
It will be an adventure.
We can't wait for it to begin!
At the tulip festival with my hubs..

23 weeks

Well the busy life continues...
The baby is a little over a pound and he likes to kick/hit my bladder.
ohhh so fun lol
Side note, my twin nephews were born on this last Sunday 
Grant is doing great but Alex is struggling  little.
but hopefully will go home in the next well or so.

I have been craving sweets this week.
It doesn't help that I work as a cashier at a grocery store
so in the past 3 days I've bought
vanilla ice cream
2 chocolate sprinkle doughnuts
Fruit popsicles(healthier popsicles)
oh and a couple candy bars
I've always liked sweets, to an extent.
I would just prefer to not eat them... before pregnancy.
this week i have wanted to get in better shape for labor and then the other half of me thinks sweets are the way i reach physical fitness.
Nope lol

on another note I have been getting heart palpitations.
they have settled down since I stopped drinking soda and stopped taking iron pills.
It feels weird I'd have to gasp for air. 
I've been more physically active and doing lots of house/yard work.
So idk if it had to do with a mix of everything.

Food wise I'd be happy eating noodles, cheese and diced tomatoes every night if I could.
For a few nights I did haha
then one I craved betos enchiladas a point of tears, I took about 4 bites and felt like throwing the rest away.

Side note(I wrote this last week but am posting it in my 24th week! oops! hahaha... and my newphew Alex is home cuddling with his twin! They are sooo cute!!!)

Friday, April 19, 2013

Week 22

Week 22!!

Well I can't seem to keep up with my blogging lately!
I am finishing up work at H&R block for tax season and then I go home and have long list of things to do.
So blogging is at the bottom of the list.
But anyways!
Our baby boy is moving like crazy!
It makes me jump still sometimes when he hits a funny spot.
I feel him the most when I'm eating dinner..
Maybe he loves food as much as his dad... haha
Or he is excited to not hear my stomach growl every few seconds.
Sooo I have been a bottomless pit when it comes to food.
A couple days ago I was sooo hungry and while I was eating I felt like I was starved and scarfed it till it was gone...
Animal like? yep haha
But I couldn't get enough.
Then when I finally get full, I'm so full it hurts.
there is no middle ground here and it is awful!

I'm getting the hang of sleeping on my side,
I wake up on my side more and more often
But I still wake up on my back sometimes and my feet get all tingly.
Sometimes they are full on asleep and of course I have to go to the bathroom and have to walk on pins and needles to get there.

I've been pretty steady with at least going on walks
I have a workout video and its great; not too easy but not too hard but I am exhausted afterwards no matter what.
So I do that probably once a week and go on walks (if it doesn't snow or rain, dang utah weather!)
about 4 times a week.
For a little while I went on walks everyday.
AND one of the days my hubbs was available to go.
I love walks with Jared.
It is my best thinking time and it is refreshing.

(i've been so busy with work and yard work that i haven't been posting anything b this is last weeks post so i'll get pictures up soon!)
thanks for reading!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Half way point! and 21 weeks!

This is me at 20 weeks
Well I am 20 weeks along
Well by the time I post this I will know what I'm having
But I'm going to tell my family before I put it in my blog,
Sooo I'll probably post it next week.(21 weeks along) 
Well the baby let Jared feel it on his birthday(March 25th)
he was so excited!
The baby just kept moving and moving and it has been moving ever since
It felt like it was doing cart wheels in my stomach,
I fell asleep with a hand on my stomach.
So I've been looking at a lot of clothes thanks to all the family members that are preggers,
And I love the little girl clothes,
which could be trouble money wise! haha
So for our check books safety hopefully it's a boy!
(unless they are like Jared, Jared has expensive taste in clothes...) lol
Whether it's a boy or girl they will be athletic..... I hope!
I love sports and want to have any excuse to play!
Just wait they will hate everything athletic...

Jared and I decided to go to the gym.
 I didn't realize this but i'm wearing all one color.. haha
 For good reason...
It's A BOY!!!
haha I didn't even realize I was wearing all blue that's too funny.
21 weeks!
I was shocked it was a boy.
Everyone and their dog is having a boy in my family...
So I didn't think it was possible to have 5 boys in one family
But there was the dr. on the screen telling me you have two guesses...
I just stared at it in unbelief and looked at Jared,
He was so excited.
Then I looked back and thought it'd be wrong but I said a boy...?
The Doc. said YEP..
I am still catching up to it.
I didn't want to get my hopes up so I told myself it was a girl.
As did many other people... haha
But deep down I knew he was coming from some personal experiences I'd gone through.
On a sad note I am sad I'm not having a girl!
I've been seeing all these cute little girls around and I'm like I hope I get one someday.

Happy note again
I can't tell you how happy I am for this little boy.
He's a special one!!!
Of course cause he's mine...
I have blue on my mind.
I can't wait to paint HIS room!
I'm going to paint it a light gray,
His crib is white and we are going to get safari type animal decor for his room,
(lions, elephants,& giraffes ect)
I think that's what Jared said he wanted...

He has been kicking and hitting me like crazy!
It sometimes catches me by surprise and I jump.
When I put my hand on my stomach I can feel him moving..
It's so cool!
The dr. said the baby looks healthy.
So That's all we really wanted. a healthy baby.
And we got him!
I am so happy.
I can't wait to get everything ready for him to get here!